A message from Karen in Uncertain Times

Karen's message of optimism during the Covid-19 pandemic



Hi this is Karen Arbutine with RE/MAX Central and today I want to express my heartfelt concerns to all of my clients that are affected financially and personally by the Covid-19 virus. We certainly are all going through this together and I definitley wanted to let you know that we will get through this as we always do. How is it affecting out real estate? Everybody has that same concern. We are in the third week of March and so far our sales are on par with what they were this time last year. However, we are seeing a little bit of fall out. Buyers are concerned and that is typically normal. So, we have to respect their dicision. But the buyers we have now, we are certainly taking them to the closing table and we're with you each step of the way.

Anybody that has known me, in times of adversity, everyone knows I'm a calculated person and I'm conservative and I always put your best interest at heart. And I'm definitely your team player, on your side as your trusted advisor. I've been through this many times; a lot of situations like this, and I have closed over 400 million in real estate and believe me I am here for any of your quesitons and concerns!

Am I optimistic? I am cautiously optimistic and that's just the way I believe and that's my mindset in getting through this. So, anyone that wants to call me, I am here for you and we will get through this together! Thank you


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