Discussing Veterans Day with My Dad - US Army Veteran

"Rich Arbutine - 101st Airborne - US Army"

Rich Arbutine - 101st Airborne US ArmyWhat are your thoughts about the US Military & what it means to you?

In the Military, when you first go in, you're young, you're undisciplined. After a while it makes men out of boys. You always respect the American Flag! You are dedicated to our Country. I am very proud to be a Veteran!


Civil War ArtifactsAfter he served in the Military...dad became a civil war historian. Digging on the different battle field grounds (you could dig back in the 70's) and finding a lot of artifacts. Tells us some artifacts that were special. 

You have a certain feeling when you go out into the woods and you're out there just where this happened. On one outing, I found a Confederate and a Yankee bullet - it was two bullets that collided in a tree.

This was such a wonderful, reminiscent journey with my dad. Please enjoy our conversation about why we are so proud to be Americans and how grateful we are to all Veterans for the freedoms we enjoy every day! Watch Now!

This year, I'm supporting the Veterans fund for disabled American Veterans. If you'd like more information please visit: dav.org/.

Thanks again to all of our Veterans!